The pro-abortion - pseudo-Catholic - Prime Minister of Ireland, Enda Kenny, continues to morph into Nancy Pelosi. The Taoiseach of Ireland says personal faith should play no part in legislation.
Enda received an honorary degree from the Jesuits.
"Those privileged to lead this, or any democracy,, will do so not as Catholic or Protestant or dissenter, but as men and women guided by and beholden to nothing but the law, the Constitution, and above all, the people. All the people - of all faiths and none. You will do so without fear or favor because your God, your personal faith, will sustain you."
Good to know I have my own personal God And what do you know! He agrees with me on everything! Perfect!
The pro-abortion Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny,
described himself as "a Taoiseach who happens to be Catholic but not a
Catholic Taoiseach," saying that personal belief should play no part in
lawmaking. - See more at:
described himself as "a Taoiseach who happens to be Catholic but not a
Catholic Taoiseach," saying that personal belief should play no part in
lawmaking. - See more at:
described himself as "a Taoiseach who happens to be Catholic but not a
Catholic Taoiseach," saying that personal belief should play no part in
lawmaking. - See more at:
described himself as "a Taoiseach who happens to be Catholic but not a
Catholic Taoiseach," saying that personal belief should play no part in
Following Cardinal Sean Brady's criticism of the prime minister's
support for loosening abortion restrictions in Ireland, Kenny responded:
The Constitution is determined by the people, it’s the people’s book.
We live within the parameters of the Constitution and strictly within
the confines of the law. And that’s where the heads of the bill are
entirely focused: Within the Constitution and within the law.
- See
more at:
described himself as "a Taoiseach who happens to be Catholic but not a
Catholic Taoiseach," saying that personal belief should play no part in
Following Cardinal Sean Brady's criticism of the prime minister's
support for loosening abortion restrictions in Ireland, Kenny responded:
The Constitution is determined by the people, it’s the people’s book.
We live within the parameters of the Constitution and strictly within
the confines of the law. And that’s where the heads of the bill are
entirely focused: Within the Constitution and within the law.
- See
more at:
Labels: Catholic Politicians, CINO