Non Tasarmi, Fratello!

“Wherever the Catholic sun doth shine, There’s always laughter and good red wine. At least I’ve always found it so. Benedicamus Domino!” Hillaire Belloc

Sunday, April 04, 2021

OUT NAZI! I Wish This Guy Was a Catholic Bishop

 Seven police officers entered a Good Friday church service in Calgary, Alberta with the intent of shutting it down. Pastor Artur Pawlowski would not have it.

The officers stand masked and ready to enforce the closure of the 

worship service during the highest holy days on the Christian calendar.

In response to their entry, Pastor Artur Pawlowski says 

"Please get out, get out of this property immediately get out."

Pawlowski, pastor at evangelical church The Cave of Adullam, 

says again "Get out of this property immediately. Out! 

I don't want—out of this property immediately! I don't want to

 hear a word. Out! Out of this property immediately until you come 

back with a warrant."

Out! Immediately go out!" He says. "And don't come back.

I don't want to talk to you. Not another word. Out of this property."

"Gestapo is not allowed here!" He yells at the officers.

 "Immediately get out!" The officers continue to try to make their p

oint that the service needs to be shut down to comply with 

provincial health orders.

The officers move for the exit, while the lead officer continues to 

try to be heard.

Pastor Pawlowski says "The Gestapo is not allowed here!" 

The officers stand around the front entry way of the church.

Finally the officers consent to leave as Pawlowski shouts "Out, Nazi,"

 and they depart. "Nazis are not welcome here. Out. 

And don't come back without a warrant. Do not come back without a 

warrant, you understand that? You are not welcome here."

"Nazis are not welcome here. Gestapo is not welcome here. 

Do not come back, you Nazi psychopaths."
