Non Tasarmi, Fratello!

“Wherever the Catholic sun doth shine, There’s always laughter and good red wine. At least I’ve always found it so. Benedicamus Domino!” Hillaire Belloc

Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Agony of Da Feet

The websites I read to, borrow... items for my blog were all a-twitter about the Pope washing the feet of girls and Muslims on Thursday. Fr. Z explains two points:

1 ) "The foot washing rite is actually optional, though that fact is little grasped by liberals who impose the options they like as obligatory on those who would prefer to opt out. Liturgical law prescribes that only men (viri in Latin) can be chosen for that rite. Priests who want to adhere to the law will find themselves facing fierce opposition by liberals demanding that women be included. Bishops will be hard-pressed to explain how priests should keep to the liturgical law when the Pope himself flouts it. By including women, the Pope has cast all liturgical laws into the hazard."

2)  "After Summorum Pontificum went into force, a clarifying document called Universae Ecclesiae was issued to help people interpret correctly how how to implement Pope Benedict’s provisions. Universae Ecclesiae says that all customs or liturgical practices not in force in 1962 (such as altars girls, communion in the hand and now, apparently, washing women’s feet), are not to be integrated into liturgies in the older form of the Roman Rite. Priests and lay Catholics who want Holy Thursday without dilemmas and controversies and fights about whose feet can be washed, have the legitimate option of the traditional Roman Missal which is, effectively, bullet proof."

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Easter Sunday

From Power Line Blog

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Friday, March 29, 2013

2013 Clericus Cup Update!

From Catholic News Service:

ROME — The North American Martyrs won their third game of the season in the Clericus Cup soccer league March 16 and will be advancing to the spring playoffs. The team from the Pontifical North American College, the U.S. seminary in Rome, is defending its title as winner of last year’s tournament, vying once again for the coveted trophy featuring a soccer ball wearing a clerical hat.



Thursday, March 28, 2013

Islamic Outreach

Pope Francis spoke to the diplomatic corps and amongst other things, said, "Hence it is important to intensify dialogue among the various religions, and I am thinking particularly of dialogue with Islam."

From FOX News:

" Islamic hard-liners stormed a mosque in suburban Cairo, turning it into torture chamber for Christians who had been demonstrating against the ruling Muslim Brotherhood in the latest case of violent persecution that experts fear will only get worse."

From Public Radio of Armenia:

"A world wide appeal has been initiated by the Bishop Marayati, Armenian Catholic, of Aleppo for the release of Fr Michael Kayyal who was kidnapped on 9th February 2013 by an Islamic rebel group located some 30 kilometres from the above-mentioned city."

From the blog, Atlas Shrugged:
"The highest-profile convert to Roman Catholicism in recent memory, Magdi Cristiano Allam, has left the Catholic Church.
Allam, who was baptized in the Vatican by Pope Benedict XVI on Easter day 2008, explained that what “more than any other factor drove me away from the Church” was the “legitimization of Islam as the true religion of Allah as the one true God, Muhammad as a true prophet, the Koran as a sacred text, and of mosques as places of worship.”

Good luck with that, Pope Francis...

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Chrism Mass

Normally, the Chrism Mass is a Holy Thursday morning event, but can be performed any time during Holy Week.

From the Catholic Exchange:

"On Holy Thursday morning (in some dioceses it may be another morning during Holy Week), the bishop, joined by the priests of the diocese, gather at the Cathedral to celebrate the Chrism Mass. This Mass manifests the unity of the priests with their bishop.
Here the bishop blesses three oils — the oil of catechumens (oleum catechumenorum or oleum sanctorum), the oil of the infirm (oleum infirmorum) and holy chrism (sacrum chrisma) — which will be used in the administration of the sacraments throughout the diocese for the year. This tradition is rooted in the early Church as noted in the Gelasian Sacramentary (named after Pope Gelasius I, d. 496), but was later absorbed into the Holy Thursday evening Mass; Pope Pius XII issued a new Ordinal for Holy Week, which reinstituted a special Mass of the chrism distinct from the evening Mass."

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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Notre Dame's New Bells

 From the History Blog:

" Notre Dame de Paris, the Gothic cathedral that is one of the most famous churches in the world, turns 850 years old this year and has gotten a new set of nine bells for a birthday present. The new bells range in size from 767 kilos (1691 lbs) to 1.91 tons. They were blessed in a ceremony at the cathedral on February 2nd (see this YouTube for the full ceremony; the top comment lists the times they were rung), but since they were lined up in the nave, their rings were only heard individually when their clappers were struck against the sides by hand. On Palm Sunday, the new bells rang together with the one surviving old one in all their glory for the first time.
Despite its glamour and celebrity, Notre Dame has been saddled with inferior bells since the French Revolution took down the cathedral’s 20 bells in 1791 and 1792, melted 19 of them down to make cannon. Only one survived the Terror: Emmanuel, the great 13-ton bourdon (the lowest and largest of the bells) in the South Tower. It was first installed in 1685 and its rich deep notes marked the hours of the day and the great events of French history like the coronation of kings and, since Napoleon had it rehung in 1802, the liberation of Paris on August 24th, 1944. "

The video is deceptive....the film is from Christmas Eve, but the bells did not ring in unison until Palm Sunday...

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A Musical Interlude -Ode to Sleep Deprived Parents

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Monday, March 25, 2013

Joseph Pineau, Clerical

On August 31, 1896 the passenger ship La Bourgogne arrived at Ellis Island in New York City.  On board was a "clerical" named Joseph Pineau!

 The La Bourgogne sank following a collision off Newfoundland on the 4th of July, 1898549 people died


Re- Gifting, Papal Style

Pope Francis met with Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI and gave him an icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

 From the Associated Press, "Francis also brought a gift for Benedict, an icon of the Madonna. ‘They told me it’s the Madonna of Humility,’ Francis told Benedict. ‘Let me say one thing: When they told me that, I immediately thought of you, at the many marvelous examples of humility and gentleness that you gave us during your pontificate.’ Benedict replied: ‘Grazie, grazie.’”

So where did Pope Francis get it? From the Moynihan Letters:

“Pope Francis presented to Pope emeritus Benedict the icon which had been presented to Pope Francis by Metropolitan Hilarion on behalf of Patriarch Kirill [the head of the Russian Orthodox Church] after the private audience [with the new Pope] on 20 March."

Was Mr. Hilarion upset about the re-gift?  “Very pleased and touched.”

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Christian Life Movement

Ever heard of the Christian Life Movement? Me neither, until I read an article in National Review called, "Francis, Poverty and Freedom" by Katheryn Lopez.

According to the CLM website, "The Christian Life Movement (CLM) is an ecclesial movement with a spirituality and style of its own, within the Catholic Church. It is an International Association of Christian Faithful of Pontifical Right." There are branches in Florida, Virginia, California, Colorado, Connecticut and Texas.

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Thursday, March 21, 2013

Blue Angels!


Feast of St. Enda, March 21

Brother to Saint Fanchea. About 484 he established the first Irish monastery at Killeaney on Aran Mor. St. Enda is described as the “patriarch of Irish monasticism.”

From Wikipedia:

 One tale tells that St. Brecan was not happy with Enda’s land division (he had given himself half of the island, and the other half was divided among nine other monks!) So Enda and Brecan made a deal: they would each say mass at their respective monasteries on either end of the island, and when they finished they would begin walking towards the center. Wherever they met, that’s where they’d divide the land. But Brecan began saying mass earlier than he’d agreed to in order to try to con Enda, who, of course, found out about the deception. Enda prayed for divine intervention, and Brecan’s feet became stuck in the sand at the beach of Kilmurvey, and Enda wound up getting most of the land.[7]

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From CatholicVote.Org


Let the Public Uproar Begin!

Pro-abortionists Vice President Biden and Nancy Pelosi received communion at a Papal mass this week.

From Politico:

"Vice President Biden and Nancy Pelosi should certainly not receive Communion, either at the papal installation or anywhere else. Communion means ‘union,’ and they are not in union with the Church on the most fundamental moral issue of the right to life,” founder the Rev. Frank Pavone said. "Should they receive at this ceremony, there will be a public uproar, and rightly so."

It could have been worse....Dick Durbin could have been with them,

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Monday, March 18, 2013

Better Late Than Never....

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Don't Lie For Me, Argentina

The Wall Street Journal's Mary Anastasia O'Grady does a take down on the Argentinian "free" press in the article, "Behind the Campaign to Smear the Pope".


Sunday, March 17, 2013

San Lorenzo de Almagro

From the team's website:

"Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio was designated as the new Pope at the Vatican. On top of how special this announcement is for Argentina, Pope Francis is also a fervent fan of San Lorenzo de Almagro. The Club is privileged to have Pope Francis among its members (Club member #88,235)."

ESPN says:

"Jorge Mario Bergoglio, elected as the new pope on Wednesday, is a fan of San Lorenzo who lives in "a permanent state of suffering" for the Argentine club."

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Friday, March 15, 2013

Cardinal Dolan on Pope Francis

I admit's Francis of Assisi. Mea culpa.

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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Pope Francis

Thank God! I thought I was the only one who thought this way. I can understand St. Francis of Assisi, but this makes more sense to me. I still haven't heard any statement form the Pope.

From the National Review's Helen Hull Hitchcock:

When I heard this word, I immediately thought of St. Francis Xavier — the college friend and co-worker of St. Ignatius Loyola, founder of the Jesuit order. More than 450 years ago, Francis Xavier — like his namesake, the new pope, a Spanish-speaking Jesuit — undertook an unprecedented journey that would consume his entire life. A journey of obedience to a call to evangelize: to bring the message of love and truth of Jesus Christ to the far reaches of the world. To India. To Japan. To China, where he died. Francis Xavier pledged his life to this “journey of brotherhood.” In our time, this evangelization of the world — and re-evangelization of many parts of it — is equally urgent. For this reason the Catholic Church is now in the midst of a Year of Faith, and has undertaken the “new evangelization,” in accordance with the Synod of Bishops last fall that was devoted to this profound need.

And Father Z:

“Francis”, I thought.

I suspected that he was invoking Francis of Assisi for his simplicity and evangelical witness. But there is also Francis Xavier, the mighty Jesuit missionary.

Either way, neither saint was a pastel picture or statue. They were both as hard as nails and willing to die in their service of the Church. Think of Francis Xavier and the conversions and baptisms in Asia. Think of Francis of Assisi, who went for a face off with the Sultan during the Crusades and so impressed him that he survived with praises.

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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Smoke Signals

We've been hearing a lot about colored smoke this week. We all know what the black smoke and the white smoke mean, but what about the others? The website Acts of Apostasy has a chart: 
Red smoke: Please ask maintenance to adjust the AC – we’re hot.
Blue smoke: Please ask maintenance to adjust the thermostat – we’re cold.
Orange smoke: We might be here til Autumn.
Yellow smoke: Getting stale in here – please deliver Old Spice and Airwicks.
Brown smoke:  We need more toilet paper.
Lavender smoke:  Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Purple smoke: Low on wine.
Pink smoke:  Heh heh. Messin’ with the womynpreests!
Green smoke: Call off the jets!!e 
Olive smoke:  Mixed drinks cart needs restocking!


Cardinal Dolan Will Be Notre Dame's Commencement Speaker

From Barack Obama to the Cardinal? How are the students reacting?

Camille Suarez says:

"I feel like this choice isn’t perfect for this moment. I was hoping Notre Dame would use this opportunity to kind of move the University forward, and I think this might be setting us back a couple steps.I hope he talks about Catholic Social Teaching because I think that’s one image of the Catholic Church that needs to be promoted. I hope he makes a call to the graduating student body and encourages us to use our [Notre Dame] degrees to promote Catholic Social Teaching and help the poor and suffering."

Julia Kohn says:

 “… everything I’ve read seems to indicate that he appears to have a political agenda rather than just being a religious figure, and I don’t agree with any of the views that his agenda suggests,” said Kohn. “I just don’t know what he’s going to talk about that’s going to be that relevant to my beliefs and opinions.”

Surely Rachel Chisausky will have something positive to say:

 “I was disappointed, because I don’t really know much about him but I’m not Catholic or really religious at all,” she said. “I just hope [his speech] is very open and applies to every student in the graduating body and not just to religious people.”


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Cremation and the Church


The subject of cremation came up last night at the St. Joseph's parish council meeting. Can Catholics be cremated? Yes...but be careful!

"The new cremation regulation, dated March 21, 1997, was granted by the Holy See as an addition, or indult, to the Order of Christian Funerals. It permits U.S. Latin-rite bishops to decide whether to allow a person's cremated remains at Catholic funeral Masses in their dioceses. The permission is to be granted on a case-by-case basis. It is also clear in the indult that when cremation is chosen, "it is greatly to be preferred that the funeral liturgy take place in the presence of the body of the deceased prior to its cremation." But when cremation has already occurred a bishop can grant permission for a properly sequenced ritual: vigil, then funeral Mass, then committal rite. "

 About the ashes....

" Their final disposition is equally important, say the instructions: "The cremated remains should be buried in a grave or entombed in a mausoleum or columbarium [a cemetery vault designed for urns containing ashes of the dead]. The practice of scattering cremated remains on the sea, from the air, or on the ground, or keeping cremated remains in the home of a relative or friend of the deceased are not the reverent disposition that the Church requires." The instructions also state that, if at all possible, the place of entombment should be marked with a plaque or stone memorializing the deceased."


Feast of St. Mochoemoc, March 13

St. Mochoemoc was the brother of St. Ita. St. Ita taught St. Brendan at a school for boys she founded. St, Brendan went on to great things including founding a school in Clonfert. His nephew, St. Moinenn, became head of the monastic school after Brendan's death. When Moinenn died, his job was taken over by St. Cummian Fada,

I tell what, Ireland was CRAWLIN' with saints back in the day. 

Clonfert Cathedral, built starting in 1180 and dedicated to St. Brendan.

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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The History of St. Patrick


 The Spokane Spokesman-Review reports:

What do the Aryan Nations, the Ku Klux Klan and the home of Spokane’s Singing Nuns have in common?
They’re all on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s map of “hate groups” in the Northwest.

Just because they are a little bit goofy (they are a congregation of sedevacantists) doesn't make then terrorists. The SPLC says they are anti-semites. Why?

"Like most Traditional Catholic groups, they reject Nostra Aetate, a letter from Pope Paul VI which denounces anti-Semitism, Mother Kathryn said. But that’s because they reject everything any pope has done for the last 50 years, she added, not because of the message."

They LOOK dangerous though, don't they?


Monday, March 11, 2013

American Cardinals and Titular Churches

The American Cardinals with titular churches in Rome went to them on Sunday to say Mass. Cardinal O'Malley was in the Church of Santa Maria della Vittoria:

Cardinal Dolan visited the Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe:

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Pope Cat I

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Is Catholicism True?

Go to the website to find out.

Thursday, March 07, 2013

You Can't Fire Me...I QUIT!

In 1294, Peter of Morrone became Pope Celestine V. Six months later, he quit (abdicated).

In 2013, Father Marrone of St. Peter's Catholic Church in Cleveland was excommunicated.

Discuss the difference.

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Shut Up, He Explained

The General Congregation of Cardinals have been meeting to plan the ways and hows of electing a new Pope. They are supposed to be secret, but everything they do or say is being leaked to the Italian press. Every day, the American Cardinals have been holding a press conference to clarify, correct, and clear up confusion form the leaks.

So how does the Church handle it? The head of the Holy See press office, Father Federico Lombardi (a JESUIT, for cryin' out loud!) has shut them down.

Read about it here.

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Tuesday, March 05, 2013

And One of Them Still Has Four More Years to Go!


March Madness! The Sweet XVI



Feast of St. John Joseph of the Cross, March 5

St. John Joseph of the Cross was a Franciscan, but I only posted this because he was from an island called Ischia, which is near Naples. He's the Patron Saint of Ischia, but I don't think he had a lot of competition.

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Monday, March 04, 2013

How to Become Pope


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Feast of St. Casimir, March 4

St. Casimir is the Patron Saint Poland and Lithuania. He only had one right hand (unlike the painting in Vilnius Cathedral) and I hope he really didn't look like this Lithuanian Folk Sculpture....

Pope Pius XII made him the Patron Saint of Youth (he died at the age of 24).

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From Father Roderick


Sunday, March 03, 2013

Cardinal Arinze explains Mortal Sin


Friday, March 01, 2013

What Does the Priest Say Now?

What should the priest do when, during the Eucharistic Prayer, we pray for the Pope and the Bishop by name?

From the Romanitas Press:

"Today Benedict XVI's resignation as Pope took effect. But even in previous days, the question was being asked, what is said in place of the Supreme Pontiff's name during the Canon - at the Te igitur?

The answer can be found in the Missale Romanum in the Ritus servandus in celebratione Missae, title VIII: Of the Canon of the Mass until the Consecration, §2. Here is a translation of the clause in question:

 When he says: una cum famulo tuo Papa nostro N., he mentions the name of the pope: but if the See is vacant the aforesaid words are omitted."

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