The Secretary for the Congregation for Divine Worship has called for reconsidering the whole idea of priests handing you the Eucharist. Kids, believe it or not there was a time that to receive communion you had to be kneeling down and the priest actually placed it on your tongue. Things changed (although I'm not sure when it changed, I'm betting right after Vatican II). But now Archbishop Albert Malcolm Ranjith Patabendig thinks a review is in order.
What is the Congregation of Divine Worship? What do they do?
From Wikipedia:
The Apostolic Constitution Pastor Bonus, issued by Pope John Paul II on June 28 1988 lays down the functions of the congregation, including:
the regulation and promotion of the liturgy, primarily of the sacraments
the regulation of the administration of the sacraments, especially regarding their valid and licit celebration
promoting liturgical pastoral activity, especially regarding the celebration of the Eucharist
the drawing up and revision of liturgical texts
reviewing particular calendars and proper texts for the Mass and the Divine Office
granting the recognitio to translations of liturgical books and their adaptations
promoting the liturgical apostolate or sacred music, song or art
ensuring that liturgical norms are accurately observed, and that abuses are avoided and eliminated where they are found to exist.
examining the fact of non-consummation in a marriage and the existence of a just cause for granting a dispensation.
examining cases concerning the nullity of ordination.
regulating the cult of relics, the confirmation of heavenly patrons and the granting of the title of minor basilica
giving assistance to bishops so that the prayers and pious exercises of the Christian people may be fostered and held in high esteem
Labels: sacraments