Feast of St. Claude de la Colombiere

OK, I know what you're thinking...WHO? I didn't know either but he's a heck of an interesting guy.
1) He was born in Grenoble, France in 1641. I have visited Grenoble three different times, but still hadn't heard of him until today.
2) According to the website Catholic Forum, his name means, "Lame One". No explanation is given.
3) He was thrown in the hoosegow for supposedly being part of the Titus "Oakes Plot", in which Catholics were accused of trying to kill King Charles II. Oakes was a scoundrel of the first degree - he was thrown out of practically every school he attended and fired from every job he attempted. He even tried to become a Jesuit but was thrown out. He was given a second chance by the delightfully named Father Strange. After being thrown out again, he teamed up with the equally delightfully named Anglican divine, Israel Tonge, to create the bogus conspiracy.
4) St. Claude was saved from martyrdom by King Louis XIV, but was still beaten, pilloried, and whipped. King Louis XIV was a descendant of King Louis IX, the guy we call St. Louis.
5) St. Claude was a confidant of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, who Christ (in a vision to her) called " the Beloved Disciple of the Sacred Heart."
6) When St. Claude died, St. Margaret had another vision, telling her that she was wasting her time praying for his soul - he was already in heaven.
7) He is considered a "dry" martyr - that is, he suffered every type of torment for his faith but death.
8) St. Claude was canonized by Pope John Paul II in 1992.
Labels: Feast Days, saints
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