Non Tasarmi, Fratello!

“Wherever the Catholic sun doth shine, There’s always laughter and good red wine. At least I’ve always found it so. Benedicamus Domino!” Hillaire Belloc

Friday, July 26, 2019

I Don't Think You Have the Right Group of Knights

.- The Senate on Wednesday voted to confirm Brian Buescher, a judicial nominee grilled by two senators last year over his membership in the Knights of Columbus. Buescher will now become a U.S. District Judge in Nebraska.

“I can’t believe I need to repeat it here in the U.S. Capitol, but there is nothing about living out one’s faith that is disqualifying for public service. To the contrary, what the Constitution does forbid is imposing any kind of religious test for public office,” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kent.) stated on the Senate Floor on Wednesday before the vote.

The Senate on Wednesday voted 51-40 to confirm Buescher, with nine senators not voting. The vote fell along party lines, with Sen. Angus King (I-Maine) voting No.

Several presidential candidates, Sens. Michael Bennet (D-Colo.), Cory Booker (D-N.J.), Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Kamala Harris (D-Calif.), Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.), and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) did not vote.

During his confirmation hearings, Buescher faced pointed questions over his membership in the Knights of Columbus, and over the organization’s “extreme” opposition to abortion and same-sex marriage, by U.S. Senators Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) and Kamala Harris.

Brian Buescher (left) at a Knights of Columbus Meeting

A series of written questions sent by Sen. Hirono to Buescher in December stated that the Knights taken “extreme” positions including supporting California’s Proposition 8 in 2008, a successful ballot initiative to overturn same-sex marriage.

Sen. Hirono asked Buescher if he would end his membership in the Knights “to avoid any appearance of bias,” and if he would “recuse” himself “from all cases in which the Knights of Columbus has taken a position”.

Sen. Harris said the Knights opposed a woman’s “right to choose” and asked Buescher if he knew about that stance when he joined, calling the Knights “an all-male society comprised primarily of Catholic men.” She also asked the nominee if he agreed with Supreme Knight Carl Anderson’s previous statements that abortion is “the killing of the innocent on a massive scale” which has “resulted in more than 40 million deaths”.

Cocaine Mitch gets the last laugh:

 In the Senate on Wednesday, Sen. McConnell noted, tongue-in-cheek, that the “negative bombshell” on the nominee was that he “is a practicing Catholic.”
“My goodness. Imagine that, in the United States of America: a person of faith, serving in government,” McConnell said.

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Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Please Go After "Singing is Praying Twice" Next

 Read the whole thing...

The Director of Community Engagements for Massachusetts Citizens for Life claims that Facebook has labeled a quote by St. Augustine as hate speech. In a blog post, Domenico Bettinelli wrote, "Facebook has repeatedly banned a quote from St. Augustine every time I’ve posted it. And it’s not some fire and brimstone 'Sinners are going to hell!' quote, but in fact, quite the opposite."
Pulled from one of St. Augustine's homilies included in the Roman Catholic Church's official liturgical books, the offending quote is this:

Let us never assume that if we live good lives we will be without sin; our lives should be praised only when we continue to beg for pardon. But men are hopeless creatures, and the less they concentrate on their own sins, the more interested they become in the sins of others. They seek to criticize, not to correct. Unable to excuse themselves, they are ready to accuse others.
Why in the world would Facebook ban that? With the quote, St. Augustine is calling us to focus on our own pursuit of holiness and stop worrying about the failings of others. If anything, the quote could be used by Facebook users to shout down others calling things like homosexuality and transgenderism sinful. To be clear, that's not what the quote is saying, but I can see scenarios where people take it out of context to condemn those who "judge" others. Be that as it may, Facebook has still banned the quote under the guise of it being hate speech, at least, according to Bettinelli and some of his friends who conducted an experiment.

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That'lll Show Him

If you thought punching random people claiming they’re “Nazis” was bad, wait till you see this. We’ve clearly reached a whole new level of incivility with the left’s war on religion. Watch as a smiling protester violently shoves a priest perceived by the LGBTQWTF community as “anti-gay” off a high stage during mass in Cachoeira Paulista, São Paulo, Brazil:

I guess we should be glad she didn’t cut his head off.

Father Marcelo Rossi is a well-loved priest in Latin America with a popular radio show with over three million listeners. The gay press is not condemning this attack and instead is insulting the priest in their reports, calling him “anti-gay” and repeating statements he made about gay sex that are in line with Catholic teaching and are supposed to be what all priests believe.

“Queerty” listed quotes with no context after claiming, “Rossi has made numerous anti-gay statements throughout his career.” Because that’s the important part, right? Father Rossi may have made statements that made unhinged gay people attack. Totally his fault.

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Thursday, July 18, 2019

Cardinal DiNardo - Attorney-at-Law

.- The president of U.S. bishops’ conference issued a statement on Tuesday condemning a newly-announced rule on asylum eligibility at the southern border, suggesting that countries like Mexico are not a safe final destination for asylum seekers, and encouraging the Trump administration to change the policy. 
“The rule adds further barriers to asylum-seekers’ ability to access life-saving protection, shirks our moral duty, and will prevent the United States from taking its usual leading role in the international community as a provider of asylum protection,” said Cardinal Daniel DiNardo, president of the USCCB, in a statement released July 16. 
Cardinal DiNardo also said that “initial analysis raises serious questions” about the new rule’s legal soundness.  

Judy Garland's tribute to the USCCB.


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Her Term as President Was Aborted at 8 Months

.- Citing disagreements with board leaders over whether Planned Parenthood should focus on health care or abortion advocacy, the organization’s president is stepping down.
Dr. Leana Wen took the reins at Planned Parenthood eight months ago. On Tuesday, she announced that she was resigning.
Wen’s statements about her departure suggested internal turbulence within the organization.
She initially posted on Twitter, “I just learned that the @PPFA Board ended my employment at a secret meeting. We were engaged in good faith negotiations about my departure based on philosophical differences over the direction and future of Planned Parenthood.”
A few minutes later, she posted an official statement.

“As a physician and public health leader, I came to Planned Parenthood to lead a national health care organization that provides essential primary and preventative care to millions of underserved women and families, and to advocate for a broad range of policies that affect our patients’ health,” she said.
“I believe that the best way to protect abortion care is to be clear that it is not a political issue but a health care one, and that we can expand support for reproductive rights by finding common ground with the large majority of Americans who understand reproductive health care as the fundamental health care that it is.”
Wen said that she is stepping down due to philosophical differences with the new board chairs over the direction that the organization should be moving.

From National Review:

Perhaps the most revealing detail from Buzzfeed’s report? Two sources said Wen angered staffers by refusing to use “trans-inclusive” language, “for example saying ‘people’ instead of ‘women’ and telling staff that she believed talking about transgender issues would ‘isolate people in the Midwest.’”

This anecdote might well be the key to understanding what happened to Wen and where Planned Parenthood’s leaders intend to go from here. Surely she wasn’t fired for her recalcitrance on preferred pronouns. But with a national spotlight on the abortion debate, Planned Parenthood’s leaders are ready to take off the kid gloves.
Wen’s firing suggests that, instead of claiming to be just a normal health-care organization, Planned Parenthood intends to capitalize on its status as an influential left-wing interest group. To do that, it must become a purveyor of the entire progressive agenda, to the point of embracing the “intersectional” language promoted by transgender activists. So the mild-mannered Wen had to go.

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Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Mount Grace Convent and the Pink SIsters

 They have a convent in St. Louis.

The Congregation of the Holy Spirit Adoration Sisters (SSpSAP= Congregatio Servarum Spiritus Sancti de Adoratione Perpetua) was founded on December 8, 1896, by St. Arnold Janssen.

We are a cloistered-contemplative missionary Congregation, living in community, whose members are entirely dedicated to the contemplative life in the service of perpetual adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. The Church's missionary activity and the sanctification of priests are particularly remembered in our life of prayer, which includes the singing of the Liturgy of the Hours (Divine Office) in choir.
We carry out our service in close union with the Lord, whom we follow in a life of poverty, chastity and obedience. The Papal enclosure that we observe is a special way of being with the Lord, its totality signaling our absolute dedication. Freed from distractions, our hearts expand to include every need and distress. Before the Eucharistic Throne, we adore God on behalf of our brothers and sisters throughout the world.
The rose color of our habits, which we wear in honor of the Holy Spirit, symbolizes the joy of our dedication to the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity. Our way of life witnesses to the basic truth that God alone is the true center of being and the goal of history, that he alone can satisfy the longings of the human heart, and that every good thing comes from him.

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First Bank of Catholicism's NOT a bank?

.- The Diocese of Orange will dedicate its Christ Cathedral July 17 after a seven-year, $77-million renovation process.

“I would pray and hope that it (the Christ Cathedral) will build on the heritage we have and help bring new life and commitment and joy in the age we live and that through here the diocese will have a focal point of unity where God will be known and loved,” Bishop Kevin Vann of Orange told CNA.

Christ Cathedral was formerly named the Crystal Cathedral. The property was purchased by the Orange diocese in February 2012 for $57.5 million from the Protestant community which founded it. The building with its campus was sold after the community, founded by Robert Schuller, filed for bankruptcy in October 2010 when some of its creditors sued for payment.

The architectural landmark is made from over 10,000 panes of glass, and its interior had to be renovated to make it suitable for Catholic worship. CNA reported in September 2014 that the cathedral's dedication was scheduled for 2017.

The Christ Cathedral campus consists of seven buildings on 34 acres.

EWTN opened a studio on the campus in May 2015. CNA was acquired by EWTN in 2014.
An architect who was in the office of the Crystal Cathedral’s original designer told CNA in 2013 that Schuller “wanted a building that was both a building and not a building, so that in a sense he could be in an enclosure, but it would be as if he were out of doors, which is where he began his ministry: so this building was an entire shell of glass.”

Under the purchase agreement, the diocese agreed to maintain the exterior of all the buildings, including the then-Crystal Cathedral.

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Saturday, July 13, 2019

Sounds Like a Nice Place

.- Bishop Rubén Darío Jaramillo Montoya of Buenaventura will perform blessings throughout his cathedral city Saturday, hoping to counter it's extreme violence, including kidnappings and murders.

Buenaventura is Colombia's main port on the Pacific, and so is a key point in the international drug trade. 
In recent years, Human Rights Watch has said the city's neighborhoods are controlled by “paramilitary successor groups” which engage in extortion and violence.

Bishop Jaramillo had originally shared the idea of performing a blessing on the city from a helicopter. The news has been erroneously reported by some media as an exorcism.

The Bishop of Buenaventura told ACI Prensa, CNA's Spanish language sister agency, July 10 that the blessing will be done July 13, but not from a helicopter.

“We are going to form a line of vehicles with a firetruck and a statue of Saint Bonaventure. We're going to go to all locations, to the most difficult neighborhoods where people have been killed in recent years,” he explained.

Too bad about the helicopter would have been AWESOME!


Thursday, July 11, 2019

July, Or Greed Month

 From Dr. Bastiat at the Ricochet website. You have to be a member to read the whole thing, I believe.

One of my gay friends (“Chad”) posts repeated rainbow-colored memes and pictures on his Facebook feed, every day during “Pride Month.” He views gays as a civil rights group: Why should someone be treated differently simply because they were born differently? At first, I found it odd that Chad insisted on celebrating his pride in, well, in simply being born different. Nothing he accomplished, but just the way he was born. That seems like me spending a month every year celebrating my pride in being born with brown hair. I mean, brown hair is nice, but it seems like an inadequate reason for parades.

Anyway, after a while, it occurred to me that Chad’s celebration of pride could serve as a model for other holiday months. Perhaps we should have a celebratory month for each of the Seven Cardinal (Deadly) Sins: Pride, Greed, Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Wrath, and Sloth. (Obviously, we would not celebrate The Seven Heavenly Virtues. That’s no fun.) Fortunately, the LGBTQQIP2SAA+ founding, um, fathers had the foresight to observe Pride Month in June, so each of the remaining six months of the year could be used to observe the six remaining Cardinal Sins. It works out so perfectly, I can’t believe that it’s a coincidence. This must have been the plan all along.
August will be fun – an entire month celebrating Lust! Woohoo! And I’m not sure exactly how some of our neighbors will observe the months celebrating Gluttony and Sloth. What, exactly, would they do differently? And, if I’m being brutally honest, I’m not sure what I would do differently in some of these months.

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Tuesday, July 09, 2019

Come On! A Chicago Kid Needs Our Help!

 This guy is part of the Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest

Update: Ordinations 2019

Dear Benefactors,

Deo Gratias! I was ordained deacon on July 3rd.

I would like to thank you for your generosity and your prayers in helping me reach my second goal of $20,700. You see that GoFundMe has taken quite a bit from the actual donation and that my monthly tuition of $1,050 continues to accumulate since I started this campaign in May 2019 until July 2020 so I will need an additional $16,700.

I pray that you will continue to help me spread the word to reach my FINAL goal of $40,000 to pay off ALL of my tuition and to help me purchase liturgical items necessary for my priestly ordination next year. I remain yours,

In union of prayers,

Abbé Justin 王
 Go forth and donate:

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Because It's From the Babylon Bee, And Therefore Funny

U.S.—Despite the U.S. Women’s soccer team’s stunning performance in winning the World Cup, there is a giant pay gap between them and the less successful men’s team. This has caused a huge outcry, as many Americans are now baffled that anyone is paid to play soccer.

Soccer is a game played by children and Europeans that involves moving a ball around without using one’s hands -- the feature that distinguishes man from lesser animals. It is unclear how such an activity could generate money. “I know with actual sports, you have stadiums that make money from selling tickets and hot dogs,” said Alison Jensen, a nurse and another citizen scared and confused by the concept of soccer players being paid, “but there’s nothing like a soccer stadium around here.” Her eyes then grew large with fright. “Is there?”

 Whatever the explanation, time is ticking down to figure it out -- or ticking up since we’re talking about soccer where they don’t even know how to use a clock. If you have any idea how soccer is generating money, please contact federal authorities.

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First the Good News

.- Pope Francis approved the miracle attributed to Archbishop Fulton Sheen Friday, making possible the American television catechist's beatification.

The Vatican Congregation for the Causes of Saints promulgated the decree approving Sheen’s miracle on July 6.

The miracle involves the unexplained recovery of James Fulton Engstrom, a boy born apparently stillborn in September 2010 to Bonnie and Travis Engstrom of the Peoria-area town of Goodfield. He showed no signs of life as medical professionals tried to revive him. The child’s mother and father prayed to Archbishop Sheen to heal their son. 

 Along with Fulton Sheen, the Vatican Congregation of the Causes of Saints also recognized the heroic virtues of seven Servants of God:

Lebanese Patriarch of Antioch of the Maronites Elia Hoyek (1843-1931); Italian Archbishop Giovanni Vittorio Ferro of Reggio Calabria-Bova (1901-1992); Spanish founder of the Institute of  Missionaries of Charity Ángel Riesco Carbajo (1902-1972); Polish Father Ladislao Korniłowicz, a diocesan priest (1884-1946); Italian Franciscan Father Angelico Lipani (1842-1920); Filipino foundress of the Congregation of the Dominican Sisters of Saint Catherine of Siena Francisca del Espíritu Santo (1647-1711); and the French lay founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of Maternal Charity Etienne-Pierre Morlanne (1772-1862).

Pope Francis also approved the equipollent canonization of Blessed Bartholomew of the Martyrs, the 16th-century Portugese Domician Archbishop of Braga, inscribing him in the book of saints.

[ˌēkwəˈpälənt, ˌekwəˈpälənt]


  1. equal or equivalent in power, effect, or significance.

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Now the Bad News

CNA).- A New York priest who told a prospective seminarian to lie to Church officials about his sexuality has been indefinitely suspended from ministry after a canonical penal process found him guilty of serial sexual misconduct.
“I write to share some unpleasant and somber news concerning Father John Duffell, your just retired parish administrator,” Cardinal Timothy Dolan wrote in a July 1 letter to parishioners of New York’s Blessed Sacrament Parish.

“Father Duffell has been directed not to publicly exercise his priestly ministry due to an allegation from the past that he abused his position of authority in a violation of his promise of celibacy.”
“The allegation was made first to the District Attorney, and then brought to our attention. This allegation involves an adult; it does not involve a minor. It is important that the archdiocese take such allegations seriously,” Dolan wrote.

A source close to the priest told CNA that the allegation involved serial misconduct over a period of years.

A spokesman for the Archdiocese of New York told CNA July 6 that the priest was found guilty of the canonical crime of sexual misconduct in an administrative penal process undertaken by the archdiocese. His suspension from priestly ministry is indefinite, the spokesman said. 

The priest has faced criticism for some activities of the “gay fellowship” at his parish.
In 2017, the parish “gay fellowship” partnered with the Born This Way Foundation, an “LGBT-rights” group founded by entertainer Lady Gaga, to hold a fundraising dance at the church hall.
Duffell was pictured in an Instagram photo with Lady Gaga in 2016.

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Monday, July 01, 2019

The Replacement For The Bishop Father Z Called "The Extraordinary Ordinary"

 The diocese of Madison, where Bishop Hying's first order of business was to ordain three new priests.

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From the Country That Cried Crocodile Tears When Notre Dame Burned

Paris, France, Jun 27, 2019 / 03:17 am (CNA).- France’s soon-to-be mandatory Universal National Service program for teens has drawn serious religious freedom concerns, with critics noting that the program prohibits religious symbols, does not allow conscripts to leave for religious services, and fails to accommodate religious dietary restrictions.
Marc Guidoni, a veteran trainer for the Values of the Republic and Secularism Plan, told the French Catholic newspaper La Vie that the program rules appear to be more extensive than French law requires or allows. He suggested that abstaining from any show of belief is usually required only for civil servants and public servants. Applying this to conscripted teens, he said, is “a strong obstacle to liberty.”

A June 24 article in the French newspaper La Vie suggested that the National Universal Service’s rules mean young believers are “forgotten.” Some program participants will want to exercise their freedom of worship, even in a framework that tends to erase religious difference, it said.
A pilot program of the national civic service began in mid-June with 2,000 teen volunteer participants aged 15 or 16, including high school students, drop-outs and trainees at vocational schools. In mid-June the volunteers left their home regions for service centers at boarding schools, holiday villages and university campuses.
They received training in first aid, emergency response, map reading and other basic skills. They will later volunteer for two weeks of service with a charity or local government.
The national service centers have five houses of 10 young people each, with each center under the management of a “brigade chief.” Each house has an adult supervisor but teens are responsible for tasks and household chores.
They are required to wear French navy uniforms and sing France’s national anthem, the “Marseillaise,” every morning. After training in emergency response, the pilot groups were to respond to simulated disasters such as a major traffic accident or a nuclear accident.


The Democrats Want You Dead