Just when you thought Chris Matthews (MSNBC, of course) couldn't possible get any dumber...
CHRIS MATTHEWS: There is 1.75
billion Islamic people in the world. There are Islamic people who are as far
from Arab as you and I are far from Arab. They are not Arabs: they happen to be
Muslims. They live in India. They live in Pakistan. They live in Indonesia. Why
do we want to declare war on them by calling our terrorist opponents
EUGENE ROBINSON: Well we don't. Or
we shouldn't. In fact, George W. Bush did not. Right after 9/11, George W.
Bush, in a moment that actually filled me with pride, George W. Bush came right
out and said we are not at war with Islam. We are at war with this crazy al
Qaeda group. We're going to get them, and we're going to get them good. But we
are not at war with one of the world's great religions. And it is a ridiculous
thing. I sincerely hope that none of these characters, if they were to
become president, would repeat such a thing. Because it is a sentiment
that no President of the United States who is responsibly discharging his
duties would ever utter.
MATTHEWS: I don't think Franklin
Roosevelt, as angry as he was at Mussolini, never declared war on the
Catholics. Anyway, that would have been a stupid thing to say.
We DARE you, FDR! |
Mussolini was a fascist. He founded a POLITICAL party called the National Fascist Party. The National Fascist Party was rooted in Italian Nationalism and the desire to restore and expand Italian territory, which Italian Fascists deemed necessary for a nation to assert its superiority and strength and to avoid succumbing to decay. Italian Fascists claimed that modern Italy is the heir to ancient Rome and its legacy, and historically supported the creation of an Italian Empire to provide spazio vitale ("living space") for colonization by Italian settlers and to establish control over the Mediterranean Sea.
Ancient Rome....as in the reign of the Caesars. Not very Catholic, that. And Julius Caesar died in 44 B.C., so the Catholic Church had not even been founded yet.
You can't spell ISIS without "Islamic".
MATTHEWS: There is 1.75 billion Islamic people in the world. There are
Islamic people who are as far from Arab as you and I are far from Arab.
They are not Arabs: they happen to be Muslims. They live in India. They
live in Pakistan. They live in Indonesia. Why do we want to declare war on them by calling our terrorist opponents Islamic?
- See more at:
MATTHEWS: There is 1.75 billion Islamic people in the world. There are
Islamic people who are as far from Arab as you and I are far from Arab.
They are not Arabs: they happen to be Muslims. They live in India. They
live in Pakistan. They live in Indonesia. Why do we want to declare war on them by calling our terrorist opponents Islamic?
EUGENE ROBINSON: Well we don't. Or we shouldn't. In fact, George W.
Bush did not. Right after 9/11, George W. Bush, in a moment that
actually filled me with pride, George W. Bush came right out and said we
are not at war with Islam. We are at war with this crazy al Qaeda
group. We're going to get them, and we're going to get them good. But we
are not at war with one of the world's great religions. And it is a
ridiculous thing. I sincerely hope that none of these characters,
if they were to become president, would repeat such a thing. Because it
is a sentiment that no President of the United States who is
responsibly discharging his duties would ever utter.
MATTHEWS: I don't think Franklin Roosevelt, as angry as he
was at Mussolini, never declared war on the Catholics. Anyway, that
would have been a stupid thing to say.
- See more at:
MATTHEWS: There is 1.75 billion Islamic people in the world. There are
Islamic people who are as far from Arab as you and I are far from Arab.
They are not Arabs: they happen to be Muslims. They live in India. They
live in Pakistan. They live in Indonesia. Why do we want to declare war on them by calling our terrorist opponents Islamic?
EUGENE ROBINSON: Well we don't. Or we shouldn't. In fact, George W.
Bush did not. Right after 9/11, George W. Bush, in a moment that
actually filled me with pride, George W. Bush came right out and said we
are not at war with Islam. We are at war with this crazy al Qaeda
group. We're going to get them, and we're going to get them good. But we
are not at war with one of the world's great religions. And it is a
ridiculous thing. I sincerely hope that none of these characters,
if they were to become president, would repeat such a thing. Because it
is a sentiment that no President of the United States who is
responsibly discharging his duties would ever utter.
MATTHEWS: I don't think Franklin Roosevelt, as angry as he
was at Mussolini, never declared war on the Catholics. Anyway, that
would have been a stupid thing to say.
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Labels: Islam, Nuns, Shut up