Non Tasarmi, Fratello!

“Wherever the Catholic sun doth shine, There’s always laughter and good red wine. At least I’ve always found it so. Benedicamus Domino!” Hillaire Belloc

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

"Being Catholic Doesn't Mean Being Stupid"

Father Federico said something like that when asked about braving an incoming snow storm to get to Mass. Now this.

 From Catholic World News

The Diocese of Stockton has begun a project that encourages local Catholics to install solar panels.
The diocese is encouraging Catholics to purchase panels from Sungevity, an Oakland-based company. In return, Sungevity will donate a total of $750 from every purchase to a local parish, the diocesan Catholic Charities, and the Catholic Climate Covenant, according the National Catholic Reporter.
“But this is so much more than about raising money,” said Bishop Stephen Blaire. “With each solar installation, we are saying to our Creator: we are personally committing to being better stewards of creation by harnessing the power of Brother Sun, as St. Francis would say.”
“I am enormously proud of this new venture because it says that the Catholic community understands that we are in a new age: an age where care for creation and care for the poor are top priorities in a world threatened by environmental harm,” he added. 

Reading the Bishop's quotes makes me wonder if marijuana has been legalized in California. Perhaps "the poor" of the world  may be threatened just a bit more by ISIS and Islam.

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Friday, August 22, 2014

Islamic Outreach, Part LI

From an earlier post on this blog:

Pope Francis spoke to the diplomatic corps and amongst other things, said, "Hence it is important to intensify dialogue among the various religions, and I am thinking particularly of dialogue with Islam."

Meanwhile, in Kentucky.....

 From, Lexington, Kentucky:

A special symbol on the door of a Richmond Catholic church has people around the world talking.

It's a symbol that shines brightly on the door of St. Mark Church, piquing the interest of many and sparking conversations far beyond Kentucky.
The symbol - the Aramaic symbol for the letter "n," which means Nazarean - was placed on the door Thursday evening. (Correction from Robert Spencer - Actually, it’s the Arabic letter nun, for Nasara, the Qur’an’s term for Christians.)
A symbol that is not usually seen on the door of a Catholic church, but Father Jim Sichko says he put it there to show solidarity for Christians living on the other side of the world, who are currently fighting a religious war.
"There are some extremists who are marking Christian territories and are killing those individuals and destroying Christian landmarks," Father Sichko said.
Father Sichko says his door has helped bring attention to that persecution and his story has even reached NPR, a national blog, one even being re-tweeted by someone at the Vatican.
"It just so happens our Catholic church has taken a public stand," he said. "People around the world have stood up, so has the Pope."
Father Sichko says he isn't sure how long he will keep the symbol up, but hopes it continues to open the door for others to pray for peace.

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Throwing Ice Water on the Ice Water Challenge

Don't be afraid of a little cold water. Just donate to an organization that does not ENCOURAGE embryonic stem cell research.

From Catholic Vote :

Why exactly does Illinois Right to Life discourage donating to the ALS Association?

The ALS Association admitted they are currently conducting a research project using embryonic stem cells. Also, the ALS Association gave approximately $500,000.00 to the research group NEALS, which conducted research using cells from an 8-week-old aborted child. At 8 weeks, an unborn child’s heart is beating about 100 times a minute and s/he is already dancing in the womb. While his or her fingers and toes are still a bit webbed, the eyelids are now almost fully covering his or her eyes.


You Could Probably Just Substittute "Conservative" and "Lefitist" for "Churchgoing" and "Gay and Lesbian"

Interesting. Sorry, I forgot  where I got this info from. 

SSM stands for "Same Sex Marriage"

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Tuesday, August 12, 2014

If He Likes Punk Rock, He Must LOVE Rap!

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Wednesday, August 06, 2014

I Feel Dizzy

From Reuters:

 Pope Francis has urged 50,000 German altar servers not to waste time on the Internet, smartphones and television, but to spend their time on more productive activities.
"Maybe many young people waste too many hours on futile things," the Pope said in a short speech to the altar servers – young people who help the priest during religious services – who had come to Rome on a pilgrimage.
"Our life is made up of time, and time is a gift from God, so it is important that it be used in good and fruitful actions."
Activities cited by the Pope as futile were: "chatting on the Internet or with smartphones, watching TV soap operas, and (using) the products of technological progress, which should simplify and improve the quality of life, but distract attention away from what is really important."

But I would never heard about it if I hadn't been on the internet. 

And if you are reading this so were you.


Friday, August 01, 2014

You MUST Resign! The New York Times SAID So!

From the Catholic Culture site:

Archbishop John Nienstedt of St. Paul-Minneapolis, Minnesota, has rejected calls for his resignation, and insisted that he never knowingly concealed evidence of clerical abuse.
"I am bound to continue in my office as long as the Holy Father has appointed me here," writes the archbishop, in an article appearing in the archdiocesan newspaper. 

 Which got me thinking...WHO exactly is "calling for his resignation? From the St. Cloud Times:

Several prominent local Catholics have urged Nienstedt to resign. The New York Times and Star Tribune of Minneapolis both ran editorials this month calling on him to step down, while a St. Paul Pioneer Press columnist wrote that Nienstedt needs go for the good of the church.

The Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests issued a statement saying it is "saddened" that Nienstedt won't resign "but distraught that he continues to deceive."

OK, I get that some "survivors" of abuse want him gone, and that the godless NY Times wants him out. But how in the world does any "prominent Catholic(s)" think that demanding a resignation from an Archbishop will actually make the guy quit?


United States House of Representatuives Feast of St. Alphonsus de' Ligouri, August 1

Founder of the congregation of the Holy Redeemer - the Redemptorists.  The Redemptorists are known for their work preaching to the rural poor. Doctor of the Church. Patron saint of Theologians!

Noted Theologian, Saint Alphonsus de' Liguori
Noted Theologian, Nancy Pelosi

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The Big Wet Smooch of Peace

.- The Congregation for Divine Worship, in a recent circular letter, announced that the placement of the sign of peace within Mass will not change, though it suggested several ways the rite could be performed with greater dignity.

The congregation for worship also noted that there are several abuses of the rite which are to be stopped: the introduction of a “song of peace,” which does not exist in the Roman rite; the faithful moving from their place to exchange the sign; the priest leaving the altar to exchange the sign with the faithful; and when, at occasions such as weddings or funerals, it becomes an occasion for congratulations or condolences.

Here's the most important part:

 The rite is optional, the congregation reminded, and there certainly are times and places where it is not fitting.

Good. Get rid of it.
