Non Tasarmi, Fratello!

“Wherever the Catholic sun doth shine, There’s always laughter and good red wine. At least I’ve always found it so. Benedicamus Domino!” Hillaire Belloc

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Fanon Alert!

Pope Benedict XVI wore a fanon last night.

Father Z explains:

The fanon, used since at least the 8th century, is a shoulder-length silken cape, striped in white and gold, that is worn on top of the pontifical vestments, though beneath the pallium. Only the Roman Pontiff may wear it. John Paul II used the fanon once, early in his pontificate, at a Mass celebrated at Santa Cecilia. I knew the rector of that basilica and heard all about the battle that occurred over that Mass! The expression on the face of then-MC Msgr. Magee, later the unhappy bishop of Coyne, says what the liturgical establishment thought of the fanon.

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Prayers for a Priest

Patheos posts a note about this priest:

He is Father Luke Suarez. Read the article...


The True Meaning of Christmas

Two things:

1) This is a show that would NEVER be made today. IN fact, Charles Schultz said if he hadn't written it, it would never have been on TV in the first place.

2) Linus drops his security blanket as he quotes the angel saying, "Fear not!".

Monday, December 24, 2012

Heather on Gay Marriage

Heather  is one letter from Heathen.  Interesting.

A Benedict XVI Christmas

Thursday, December 20, 2012

The Return of Tradition

I'm not sure about the title of this article in The Economist: "A traditionalist avant-garde". It's certainly not something I would call a "cutting edge" type movement, is it?

Smells and bells! 

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Feast Day of St. Dominic of Silos, December 20

St. Dominic of Silos is has the following patronages: against rabies; against rabid dogs; against insects; captives; pregnant women; prisoners; shepherds.

What about pregnant dogs and rabid women? Or captive insects? Or captive pregnant prisoners who used to be rabid shepherds?

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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Clowns in the Sanctuary! RUN!



Liturgical Referee

The Curt Jester talks Liturgical Referees, and hilarity ensues...

Some examples:

Liturgical dance detected!
Illegal use of hands. Normally called when the celebrant has left the sanctuary to shake everybody’s hands.
 The “What the heck am my hearing” signal is one of the most common signals and indicates syrupy banal liturgical music or the inappropriate use of secular music such as show tunes and popular music (especially from the seventies).


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

It's Not Really Anything Jesus Said, But....

it's still pretty funny.


Thankfully, All the Major Problems With the Church Have Been Resolved!

From the Catholic News Service:

"Bishop Richard Garcia of Monterey will travel to the historic Old Mission San Juan Bautista on December 22 to offer a Mass of reconciliation and apologize to members of the Amah Mutsun Tribal Band of the Ohlone people.

According to the tribal band’s web site, Spanish colonists enslaved members of the tribe at the mission between 1797 and 1834."

So a guy born in Mexico is going to  apologize to 500 people for something the Spaniards did over 200 years ago?

Who is this guy? He seems pretty busy:

    Chair: Task Force on the Spanish Language Bible for the Church in America (USCCB), 2003 -
·      Chair: Subcommittee on the Church in Latin America (USCCB), 2009 -
·      Chair-elect: Committee on Migration (USCCB), 2010 -
·      Member: Committee on Doctrine (USCCB), 2003-
·      Member: Subcommittee on Hispanics and the Liturgy (USCCB), 2005 -
·      Board Member: Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc.
·      Board Member: ENDOW – Educating on the Nature and Dignity of Women
·      Board Member: MATT – Mexicans and Americans Thinking Together
·      Ex-Officio Board Member: Catholic Community Foundation, San Antonio
·      Episcopal Moderator: ANSH – National Association of Hispanic Priests
·      Episcopal Moderator: National Catholic Network de Pastoral Juvenil Hispana
·      Founding Member: Catholic Association of Latino Leaders (C.A.L.L.) 

I wonder if he's a member of La Raza?


Monday, December 17, 2012

Man Angry That Only Women Can Become Female Priests

From the site, Eye of the Tiber:

Medford, OR––Speaking at a Women’s Rights group at the home of fellow parishioner Florence Hensley of Medford, Oregon this week, 58-year-old Roger Shannahan complained that the group was being sexist for unjustly excluding men from the group’s hopes of a female priesthood. “I mean, you could see in the early Church numbers of male figures that held positions of authority,” Shannahan told the group. “St. Paul was a man, for instance. He had authority, right? So, if St. Paul was a man and had authority, why wouldn’t I be able to have it?” Hensley, who hosts the weekly Women’s Rights group, told Eye of the Tiber after the meeting that men cannot be considered, not because men are unequal, only because it is not in a man’s nature to become a female priest. But Shannahan believes otherwise, telling Eye of the Tiber that the group has always overlooked men simply because of the group’s own insecurities. “I’m sick and tired of sitting on the sidelines. I too have a voice.”

Noli Fumare, Suggestus II

There's a train station in England - in Wallsend, to be specific - in which the sings are in English and LATIN. Of course.

I didn't know why either until I read more about it. Wallsend. As in the end of the wall. Hadrian's Wall! Caesar Publius Aelius Traianus Hadrianus Buccellanus Augustus was the emperor of Rome from 117AD until 138AD. He built Hadrian's Wall across the northern end of England, running west to east for close to 80 miles as a defensive structure. Parts of it still exist today. Oh...and Hadrian HATED Catholics.



Aggregate, on penalty kicks.


Thursday, December 13, 2012

Feast of St. Lucy, December 13

We don't know much about St. Lucy, but they really whoop it up her feast day in Sweden!

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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Dope Slap

Bishop Morlino planted a dope slap on a couple of "sisters" from the Sinsinawa Dominican nuns for their involvement with a group called the "Wisdom's Well" in Madison, Wisconsin. Wisdom Well is an "Interfaith Spirituality Center". All you need to know about the Sinsinawa Dominicans nuns is....THEY HANG OUT WITH GIANT PUPPETS!

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Pope Tweets for the First Time

It's about time! He looks like he's having a great time, too!


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Breaking News

From the blog site, Eye of the Tiber:

Cincinnati, OH––It was reported this week that 34-year-old parishioner of Holy Family Parish in Cincinnati Karl Tucker spent all Mass Sunday bitter at his gardener, Jesus, for what he called “years of neglected requests.” “It just seems like he never listens anymore,” Tucker reported to friends after Mass. “Every week, it’s like, I ask him to cut my lawn a certain way, and he just goes ahead and does it his own way.”

 Their site says "Breaking Catholic News So You Don't Have To".


The Laughing Policeman

Father Z says, "Perhaps the most annoying song ehvvverrrr." And who are we to argue with a priest?


Feast of St. Daniel the Stylite, December 11

The things you learn... First of all, I never heard of St. Daniel the Stylite. He was a monk in the 5th century. He was a stylite, which I found out means "a type of Christian ascetic who in the early days of the Byzantine Empire stood on pillars preaching, fasting and praying. They believed that the mortification of their bodies would help ensure the salvation of their souls." then I found out that Daniel climbed up on his pillar and only came down once in 33 years - "to turn Emperor Baliscus away from backing the heresy of Monophysitism." Monophysitista believed that the Incarnate Christ "had only a single "nature" which was either divine or a synthesis of divine and human. Monophysitism is contrasted to dyophysitism (or dia-, dio-, or duophysitism) which maintains that Christ maintained two natures, one divine and one human, after the Incarnation."

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Friday, December 07, 2012

Unanswerable Questions


Thursday, December 06, 2012

Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, December 8

The question was asked if the Holy Day of Obligation of the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception is moved to Sunday this year. According to "Because this feast honoring Mary, the Mother of God, celebrates one of the most important events in salvation history, it is never abrogated, even when it falls on a Saturday or a Monday."

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It Would Be Funnier if it Wasn't True


Feast of St. Nicholas, December 6

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Wednesday, December 05, 2012

Mar Saba

Today is the feast day of St. Sabbas, who founded the monastic settlement of Mar Saba in 483 AD. Mar Saba is in the West Bank, so it wouldn't surprise me if the Muslims eventually trash the joint. I'm glad photos exist. The monastery is actually called a LAVRA, which is a Greek word for a collection of caves or cells for hermits.

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Tuesday, December 04, 2012

You Gotta Givie 'em Credit

When you're the National Catholic Register, it must be hard to get your readership to go any lower. But they've managed to do it! "The National Catholic Reporter has called for the ordination of women to the Catholic priesthood, condemning the Church’s teaching on the issue as “unjust.”


Monday, December 03, 2012

Feast Day of St.Francis Xavier, December 3

His body goes on display every ten years. The body is described as "incorrupt". On the one hand, he looks pretty corrupt to me. On the other hand, he died in 1552.

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Vatican praises new UN status for Palestine

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- The Vatican praised a United Nations vote making Palestine a non-member observer state but called for full recognition of Palestinian sovereignty as necessary for peace in the region...Such a solution would require "effective commitment to building peace and stability, in justice and in the respect for legitimate aspirations, both of the Israelis and of the Palestinians". Of course, the Palestinians are quite clear about their "aspirations" - the extermination of Israel as a country. In the video, the complex position of the Palestinians is made clear.

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