How Does a Catholic Homeschooler Change a Light Bulb
How Does A Catholic Homeschooler Change A Lightbulb?
First, mom checks three books on electricity out of the library then the kids make models of light bulbs, read a biography of Thomas Edison, and write a brief narration.
Second, the Big Book of Saints is consulted to see whom are the patron saints of light and/or electricity and the kids argue over pronounciation of the saints' names.
Next, everyone studies the history of lighting methods, wrapping up with dipping their own candles which brings to mind the Feast of St. Blaise and the blessing of the neck with twin candles held by the local parish priest which is coming up on Feb 3rd. This reminds everyone that Saint Valentine's Day is less than two weeks after that!
Everyone takes a trip to the store where they compare types of light bulbs as well as prices and figure out how much change they'll get if they buy two bulbs for $1.99 and pay with a five dollar bill.
On the way home, a discussion develops over the history of money and also Abraham Lincoln, as his picture is on the five dollar bill. This brings to mind President's Day in which brings up the discussion of holidays in which the older children tell the younger that this is really a Catholic word, Holy-Days.
Finally, after building a homemade ladder out of branches dragged from the woods, a quick prayer is said, and the light bulb is installed. And there is light...! Mom thanks their Guardian Angels that no one got electrocuted and St. Scholastica for her daily intercession and very appreciated patronage of which she could not do without. (St. Scholastica's Feast Day is Feb 10th)