Non Tasarmi, Fratello!

“Wherever the Catholic sun doth shine, There’s always laughter and good red wine. At least I’ve always found it so. Benedicamus Domino!” Hillaire Belloc

Thursday, August 29, 2013

The More I Learn, the More Concern I Have For My Immortal Soul

I would have thought that if there was extra consecrated wine, you could just pour the Blood of Christ down the Sacrarium. And boy! I was WAY WAY WAY wrong. According to Jimmy Akins:

Sacraria are used for a variety of purposes, including these:
  1. To dispose of ashes from objects that have been blessed and then destroyed by fire
  2. To dispose of the water that has been used to wash the altar linens
  3. To dispose of water that has been used to dissolve small particles of the host
  4. To dispose of water that has been used to clean up places where the Precious Blood has spilled
It’s one thing to pour water into the sacrarium, even if that water has been used to dissolve the consecrated species. In that case, the appearances of bread and wine no longer remain, and so the Real Presence does not remain, either. It is another thing entirely to use it to throw away the consecrated species themselves.
According to the Code of Canon Law,
Canon 1367  A person who throws away the consecrated species or who takes them or retains them for a sacrilegious purpose incurs an automatic (latae sententiae) excommunication reserved to the Apostolic See; if a cleric, he can be punished with another penalty including dismissal from the clerical state.

 Pouring the Precious Blood into a sacrarium counts as throwing away the consecrated species, and so it cannot be done.

Class dismissed.


Islamic Outreach, Part XXII

From an earlier post on this blog:

Pope Francis spoke to the diplomatic corps and amongst other things, said, "Hence it is important to intensify dialogue among the various religions, and I am thinking particularly of dialogue with Islam."

 From Catholic Culture:

Armed with knives, clubs, and chains, a group of 30 Muslims attacked an Anglican cathedral in Nigeria, according to Morning Star News, a US-based website that reports on the persecution of Christians.
At least seven clergy and other church leaders were wounded in the attack, which took place in Nasarawa State in the central part of the nation. 

I guess they were angry or something.


Monday, August 26, 2013

The Scotish Plaid Kilt Company Feast of St. Filian, August 26

It appears he really existed, but the legends are some of the best. From Wikipedia:

Saint Fillan, Filan, Phillan, Fáelán (Old Irish) or Faolan (modern Gaelic) is the name of (probably) two Scottish saints, of Irish origin. The career of a historic individual lies behind at least one of these saints (fl. 8th century), but much of the tradition surrounding 'Fillan' seems to be of a purely legendary character.

 St. Fillan was credited with powers such as the healing of the sick and also possessed a luminous glow from his left arm which he used to study and write Sacred Scriptures in the dark

 The Mayne was an arm bone, now lost, enclosed in a silver reliquary or casket. Legend has it that King Robert the Bruce requested the bone be brought to the Bannockburn battle site. The deoir, hereditary keeper of the relic, and the Abbot of Inchaffray Abbey left the bone behind and brought only the reliquary because they didn't want the relic to fall into English possession. On the eve of the Bannockburn battle, as the deoir, the abbot and Robert knelt in prayer, a noise came from the reliquary. They looked at the reliquary as the door opened and the bone fell to the floor. The Bruce won the battle the next day and he established a monastery to thank St. Fillan for the victory.

No kidding! I have his arm! You can't win!

St. Filian's  Quigrich, or saint's staff, crosier, also known as the Coygerach,is on display at the Museum of Scotland.

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And Now, A Public Service Announcement

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Geritol Feast of St. Teresa of Jesus Jornet Ibars, August 26

This woman (besides being a SHOCKIN holy saint) is a cornucopia of religious orders!

Catholic On-Line says she was born in 1843 an dis the founder of the Little Sisters of the Poor.

Little Sisters of the Poor
Just one minute there buster, says Wikipedia:

Teresa Jornet e Ibars was the foundress of the Little Sisters of the Abandoned Aged, better known as the Little Sisters of the Poor (not to be confused with the congregation also called this, founded in France by St. Jeanne Jugan).

St. Teresa felt a call to monastic life and applied to the Poor Claires, but  there were anti-clerical laws in Spain at the time so she was rejected.

Poor Claires
Not discouraged, she instead became a Carmelite Tertiary.

Carmelites (not Tertiaries)
She founded her own order to help care for the aged of the area, and took the name of the founder of the Carmelites, St. Teresa of Jesus. When she died in 1897 her congregatoin ran 50 homes for the aged in Spain. Pope Pius XII beatified her in 1958 and she was declared a saint by Pope Paul VI in 1974. Her feast day is celebrated on August 26, the date of her death. And then they made a video.

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Friday, August 23, 2013

The Trouble With Jesuits, Part 11 with a bonus Part 12!

Fordham University leads the 19 Catholic colleges that charged more than $50,000 for full-time undergraduate tuition, fees and room charges in 2012-13, according to the Chronicle of Higher Education.  More than half are Jesuit institutions The ten most expensive Catholic Universities are:

        Fordham University (20th), $57,106 (Jesuit)
             Georgetown University (35th), $56,706 (Jesuit)
  Boston College (40th), $56,486 (Jesuit)
       Fairfield University (76th), $55,280 (Jesuit)
                College of the Holy Cross (77th), $55,130 (Jesuit)
                     University of Notre Dame (84th), $54,905 (Congregation of the Holy Cross)
              Providence College (88th), $54,646 (Dominican)
                 Loyola University Maryland (89th), $54,550 (Jesuit)
         Villanova University (93rd), $54,260 (Augustine)
                               Dominican University of California (110th), $52,990 (Ummm....)

The rainbow flag was raised over city hall in Seattle for the first time ever earlier this summer, in celebration of Gay Pride Month. Sabina Neem, co-chair of the city’s LGBT Commission which hosted the celebration, told CBS News in Seattle, “We are excited to be able to host this event and play a role in this historic occasion.”
Unfortunately, Neem is also assistant director of the Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA) at Seattle University, a Jesuit institution.
- See more at:
Meanwhile, on the left coast...

"The rainbow flag was raised over city hall in Seattle for the first time ever earlier this summer, in celebration of Gay Pride Month. Sabina Neem, co-chair of the city’s LGBT Commission which hosted the celebration, told CBS News in Seattle, “We are excited to be able to host this event and play a role in this historic occasion.”

Unfortunately, Neem is also assistant director of the Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA) at Seattle University, a Jesuit institution."

Fordham University leads the 19 Catholic colleges that charged more than $50,000 for full-time undergraduate tuition, fees and room charges in 2012-13, according to the Chronicle of Higher Education.  More than half are Jesuit institutions. - See more at:
Fordham University leads the 19 Catholic colleges that charged more than $50,000 for full-time undergraduate tuition, fees and room charges in 2012-13, according to the Chronicle of Higher Education.  More than half are Jesuit institutions. - See more at:
Fordham University leads the 19 Catholic colleges that charged more than $50,000 for full-time undergraduate tuition, fees and room charges in 2012-13, according to the Chronicle of Higher Education.  More than half are Jesuit institutions. - See more at:
Fordham University leads the 19 Catholic colleges that charged more than $50,000 for full-time undergraduate tuition, fees and room charges in 2012-13, according to the Chronicle of Higher Education.  More than half are Jesuit institutions. - See more at:
