Non Tasarmi, Fratello!

“Wherever the Catholic sun doth shine, There’s always laughter and good red wine. At least I’ve always found it so. Benedicamus Domino!” Hillaire Belloc

Thursday, August 04, 2016

The Sound of Bishop Crickets

WASHINGTON, D.C., August 2, 2016 (LifeSiteNews) – Vice President Joe Biden has performed his first wedding ceremony – presiding over the “marriage” of two men.
Biden performed the ceremony at 4 p.m. yesterday inside the vice president’s residence, located at the U.S. Naval Observatory.
Biden reportedly obtained a license from the District of Columbia before officiating the service for Brian Mosteller, the director of Oval Office operations, and Joe Mahshie, a trip coordinator for Michelle Obama.
He then tweeted out a picture of the two men holding hands as he looked on approvingly.

 Canon lawyer Ed Peters observes:

Now, setting aside a very few 915 cases that could be decided on the spot, before being visited with the consequences of Canon 915, a Catholic should be formally confronted by the competent ecclesiastical authority about why holy Communion is going to be henceforth withheld and the steps required for readmission to the Sacrament explained.  I am not aware, however, of any Catholic official with canonical-pastoral authority over Biden who has ever made such contact with him. Still, whatever pastoral failing that past lack of formal contact might represent, it does not preclude their discussing his situation with him now.
And Joseph Biden, I would say, stands in obvious need of such outreach.

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