Non Tasarmi, Fratello!

“Wherever the Catholic sun doth shine, There’s always laughter and good red wine. At least I’ve always found it so. Benedicamus Domino!” Hillaire Belloc

Monday, December 28, 2020

Islamic Outreach, Part CXVII

From an earlier post on this blog: Pope Francis spoke to the diplomatic corps and amongst other things, said, "Hence it is important to intensify dialogue among the various religions, and I am thinking particularly of dialogue with Islam." MEANWHILE...



A bunch of Islamist radicals attacked a fellow Muslim for posting photos online of a Christmas party he had attended. The incident occurred in the northeastern city of Belfort, France, where a 20-year-old man was assaulted by Islamists for participating in a Christmas party, a report published on said.

Soon after the victim uploaded photos of Christmas party he had attended, he was threatened by an acquaintance, an Islamist fundamentalist, who was reportedly angry about the man attending non-Muslim festivities. The 20-year-old victim is the son of law enforcement officers.

The acquaintance reportedly rebuked the 20-year-old victim as a “dirty son of a white, son of a snake, son of police” and vowed to show him what a “real Arab” should be. Even though the tone of the conversation was rather belligerent, the young man still agreed to meet his accuser in-person to sort out their differences.

A French man was ambushed and attacked by fellow Muslims for eating a Christmas meal. He agreed to meet with his attacker after he was called a ‘dirty son of white people’ who needed to be shown ‘what it is to be a real Arab’. But he was ambushed by five people who left his face ‘bloody’ and his ‘body covered in bruises’, according to local newspaper L’Est Républicain. It comes as tensions have been mounting in France with protests all over the world calling for the boycott of French products over ‘offensive’ cartoons of the prophet Mohammad. ADVERTISEMENT The victim, whose mum is Arab and stepdad is white, posted a photograph of his family’s lunch on Snapchat.

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A French man was ambushed and attacked by fellow Muslims for eating a Christmas meal. He agreed to meet with his attacker after he was called a ‘dirty son of white people’ who needed to be shown ‘what it is to be a real Arab’. But he was ambushed by five people who left his face ‘bloody’ and his ‘body covered in bruises’, according to local newspaper L’Est Républicain. It comes as tensions have been mounting in France with protests all over the world calling for the boycott of French products over ‘offensive’ cartoons of the prophet Mohammad. ADVERTISEMENT The victim, whose mum is Arab and stepdad is white, posted a photograph of his family’s lunch on Snapchat.

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A French man was ambushed and attacked by fellow Muslims for eating a Christmas meal. He agreed to meet with his attacker after he was called a ‘dirty son of white people’ who needed to be shown ‘what it is to be a real Arab’. But he was ambushed by five people who left his face ‘bloody’ and his ‘body covered in bruises’, according to local newspaper L’Est Républicain. It comes as tensions have been mounting in France with protests all over the world calling for the boycott of French products over ‘offensive’ cartoons of the prophet Mohammad. ADVERTISEMENT The victim, whose mum is Arab and stepdad is white, posted a photograph of his family’s lunch on Snapchat.

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A French man was ambushed and attacked by fellow Muslims for eating a Christmas meal. He agreed to meet with his attacker after he was called a ‘dirty son of white people’ who needed to be shown ‘what it is to be a real Arab’. But he was ambushed by five people who left his face ‘bloody’ and his ‘body covered in bruises’, according to local newspaper L’Est Républicain. It comes as tensions have been mounting in France with protests all over the world calling for the boycott of French products over ‘offensive’ cartoons of the prophet Mohammad. ADVERTISEMENT The victim, whose mum is Arab and stepdad is white, posted a photograph of his family’s lunch on Snapchat.

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