A Bishop Who Actually is DOING Something!
.- In a revival of an historic custom of the Church, Bishop Douglas Lucia of Syracuse has invited Catholics of his diocese to participate in the Ember Days, traditional days of fasting and prayer, for the intention of an increase in vocations.
The bishop established the Ember Days for a diocesan year of vocations, and granted a partial indulgence to their observance, in a Nov. 19 decree.
Fr. Christopher Seibt, the Diocese of Syracuse's liturgy director, told CNA that the idea came about because the diocese is also observing a year of prayer for vocations, and Ember Days have traditionally been days of prayer for vocations.
“Ember Days are days of prayer and fasting that mark the changing of times and seasons in order to bring about deeper spiritual renewal,” Seibt told CNA.
“On these days, the Church ‘entreats the Lord for the various needs of humanity’ and gives thanks to God for various blessings received,’” he added, quoting the Universal Norms on the Liturgical Year and the Calendar.
Ember Days were traditionally days of fast and abstinence. They are tied to the seasons of the year, and are held on the Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday of four weeks: the third week of September, the third week of Advent, the first week of Lent, and the octave of Pentecost.
The word “ember” is an English adaptation of the Latin name, “quattuor tempora” meaning four seasons.
The Ember Days were attested to as traditional by St. Leo I, and they were prescribed for the whole of the Latin rite by the time of St. Gregory VII.
The Ember Days of this liturgical year fall Dec. 16, 18, and 19; Feb. 24, 26, 27, 2021; May 26, 28, 29, 2021; and Sept. 22, 24, 25, 2021.
Labels: Bishop Lucia
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