Non Tasarmi, Fratello!

“Wherever the Catholic sun doth shine, There’s always laughter and good red wine. At least I’ve always found it so. Benedicamus Domino!” Hillaire Belloc

Sunday, July 26, 2020

The Trouble With Jesuits, Part 81

Mission Statement: The Church of St. Francis Xavier, a Roman Catholic parish in the Jesuit tradition, strives to be a prophetic, welcoming community, and an inclusive witness to the presence of Christ Jesus in our midst. Mindful of our utter reliance on God, and need for God’s grace, we rejoice together in our celebration of the sacraments and proclamation of the Gospel. As a people of hope, we commit ourselves through prayerful and creative discernment to respond to God in our time by: being a respectful community where seekers and their questions are welcomed, where injustice is challenged, where the poor, the alienated and the marginalized find a home, and where people are refreshed, reconciled and renewed.

Look what the have done to the ALTAR!

This is sacrilege, as it is the misuse of that altar which is consecrated.  It looks as if the mensa is still there.

This is also blasphemous, since it seems to present these people for veneration.  They are placed, after all, on an altar.

Imagine what St. Edmund Campion would say about this.  Peter Canisius!   John de Brebeuf!  FRANCIS XAVIER!


I respond: GANGANELLI!

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