Non Tasarmi, Fratello!

“Wherever the Catholic sun doth shine, There’s always laughter and good red wine. At least I’ve always found it so. Benedicamus Domino!” Hillaire Belloc

Wednesday, September 07, 2016

The Trouble With Jesuits, Part 54

Former University of Missouri professor Melissa Click has a new job at Gonzaga University           ( SHOCKA! A JESUIT school) in Spokane, Wash., according to the university’s website.  Click was a communications professor at the University of Missouri until she was fired in February after she was filmed calling for “some muscle” to eject a student videographer from protests at the Concerned Student 1950 camp on the Columbia campus.
The video posted afterward went viral. Faculty, students, alumni and others lambasted Click. At Gonzaga, Click is listed as a lecturer on the faculty page of the university’s website. 

 Dr. Melissa A. Click's research interests center on popular culture texts and audiences, particularly texts and audiences disdained in mainstream culture. Her work in this area is guided by audience studies, theories of gender and sexuality, and media literacy. Recent research projects involve romance readers, the impact of social media in fans’ relationship with celebrities, masculinity and male fans, and the inevitable changes fans experience in their fandom over time. Her scholarship has been published in Television & New Media, the International Journal of Cultural Studies, Men & Masculinities, Popular Communication, Popular Music & Society, and Transformative Works & Cultures. She is the co-editor of Bitten by Twilight and the Routledge Companion to Media Fandom (forthcoming). NYU Press will publish her forthcoming edited collection, Dislike, Hate, and Anti-fandom in the Digital Age.

Says The Catholic World Report:

 Is this the sort of amoral swill that students at a Catholic university should be enduring while paying top dollar? Then again, I've been told by people who have years of direct experience with GU that it is, simply put, no longer Catholic in any substantial sense. Yes, there are still some very fine Catholics working there, but the school as a whole has essentially abandoned any semblance of Catholic culture or mission.
Forget about getting some muscle. How about getting some grey matter? 

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