Andrew Cuomo (far left) has denied saying what he obviously said. Here's the press release statement:"
The New York Post distorted Governor Cuomo’s words yesterday, saying
that the Governor said "conservatives should leave New York." The
Governor did not say that, nor does he believe that." Further along in thee release is his what he said:
" Are they these extreme conservatives, who are right to life, pro
assault weapon, anti-gay, is that who they are? Because if that is who
they are, and if they are the extreme conservatives, they have no place
in the state of New York. Because that is not who New Yorkers are."
The "catholic" Cuomo also says, " And literally look at the issues that they pick, are we right to life or
are we pro-choice? Well if you are right to life, that is your opinion
and that’s your religious belief, that is fine but that is not the
opinion of this state..."
In other words, your personal beliefs ... heck, your RELIGIOUS DOCTRINE... means nothing if the State disagrees.
What a jerk. The acorn didn't fall very far from the tree, did it?
Labels: Catholics for Obama, CINO
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