Who Is This Man?

His name is Rick Majerus, basketball coach at St. Louis University. His name has been in the news recently because of some comments he made during a TV interview. Specifically, he said he was a supporter of Hillary Clinton, and was pro-abortion and in favor of embryonic stem cell research.
Big deal. Who cares what he thinks? Well to begin with, Archbishop Burke of the St. Louis diocese. It seems that Mr. Majerus claims to be a Catholic, and St. Louis University is a Catholic university (sorta). So the Bishop has said if Mr. Majerus presents himself at the communion rail, he would NOT allow him to partake of the Holy Eucharist (according to this article) . The Bishop has been consistent on this point - a couple of years ago he said the same thing about another self-proclaimed Catholic, John Kerry. The Bishop also says that the President of the University, the Reverend John Biondi, should reprimand Majerus.
Why is SLU a "kinda" Catholic university? Because a couple of years ago they wanted to build a new basketball arena, but they couldn't get public funding because of the sacrosanct "separation of church and state" silliness. So SLU went to court to prove that even though they may be a Jesuit university, they really weren't all that Catholic. And they got the money, and hired Rick Majerus.
FREEDOM OF SPEECH, they cry! How dare the Bishop tell Majerus what to say (or not say)???
I say this - the Catholic Church needs more leaders (like Archbishop Burke) who are willing to say what needs to be said and defend the Church and its teachings against the likes of "catholics" such as Majerus, Kerry, Ted Kennedy, Nancy Pelosi,Dick Durbin and the administration at SLU.
Labels: pseudo catholics
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