Class Discussion, December 10
We started with a discussion of the day's readings. We then talked about the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, the holy day of obligation which was Friday the 8th. We looked back at feast days from the previous week: Sts. Nicholas, Ambrose, and Juan Diego. Of course, St. Juan Diego led us to discuss Our Lady of Guadalupe who we honor on Tuesday, December 12th. Our discussion of the Immacualte Conception led to a discussion not only of Original Sin, but briefly touched on the philosophers Thomas Hobbs and John Locke. Are we naturally inclined to want to sin?
I also brought up the recent news that the sarcophogus of St. Paul has been restored after being buried when Emperor Theodoseus rebuilt the Church of St. Peter in the year 390 A.D. Theodosius was a friend and benefactor of St. Ambrose! The general consensus of the class is to take a peak inside...

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